Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2012
Generated 01-Mar-2012 00:34 Central Standard Time

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2012
Total Hits 13255
Total Files 11584
Total Pages 6940
Total Visits 1653
Total KBytes 87455
Total Unique Sites 820
Total Unique URLs 64
Total Unique Referrers 250
Total Unique User Agents 403
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 19 261
Hits per Day 457 782
Files per Day 399 761
Pages per Day 239 602
Visits per Day 57 72
KBytes per Day 3016 5771
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 11584
Code 206 - Partial Content 19
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2
Code 304 - Not Modified 57
Code 403 - Forbidden 3
Code 404 - Not Found 1582
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 7
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 1

Daily usage for February 2012

Daily Statistics for February 2012
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 610 4.60% 585 5.05% 254 3.66% 72 4.36% 54 6.59% 3106 3.55%
2 685 5.17% 629 5.43% 416 5.99% 54 3.27% 42 5.12% 4363 4.99%
3 717 5.41% 504 4.35% 582 8.39% 53 3.21% 46 5.61% 4097 4.69%
4 503 3.79% 287 2.48% 272 3.92% 56 3.39% 59 7.20% 1269 1.45%
5 392 2.96% 177 1.53% 256 3.69% 47 2.84% 37 4.51% 1331 1.52%
6 471 3.55% 349 3.01% 195 2.81% 62 3.75% 92 11.22% 3654 4.18%
7 315 2.38% 203 1.75% 160 2.31% 49 2.96% 38 4.63% 1172 1.34%
8 704 5.31% 592 5.11% 518 7.46% 45 2.72% 47 5.73% 4503 5.15%
9 517 3.90% 499 4.31% 257 3.70% 54 3.27% 47 5.73% 3607 4.12%
10 676 5.10% 658 5.68% 510 7.35% 55 3.33% 40 4.88% 5594 6.40%
11 460 3.47% 190 1.64% 64 0.92% 54 3.27% 41 5.00% 2067 2.36%
12 183 1.38% 174 1.50% 129 1.86% 55 3.33% 37 4.51% 2258 2.58%
13 675 5.09% 658 5.68% 397 5.72% 66 3.99% 47 5.73% 4546 5.20%
14 500 3.77% 478 4.13% 157 2.26% 46 2.78% 42 5.12% 2783 3.18%
15 254 1.92% 247 2.13% 66 0.95% 44 2.66% 46 5.61% 2348 2.68%
16 566 4.27% 547 4.72% 254 3.66% 65 3.93% 77 9.39% 3402 3.89%
17 782 5.90% 761 6.57% 463 6.67% 69 4.17% 43 5.24% 5298 6.06%
18 707 5.33% 699 6.03% 602 8.67% 52 3.15% 32 3.90% 5771 6.60%
19 224 1.69% 215 1.86% 71 1.02% 63 3.81% 39 4.76% 1407 1.61%
20 527 3.98% 507 4.38% 276 3.98% 55 3.33% 46 5.61% 3460 3.96%
21 231 1.74% 222 1.92% 139 2.00% 62 3.75% 47 5.73% 2021 2.31%
22 334 2.52% 324 2.80% 140 2.02% 65 3.93% 59 7.20% 2550 2.92%
23 494 3.73% 474 4.09% 124 1.79% 71 4.30% 45 5.49% 2982 3.41%
24 386 2.91% 369 3.19% 99 1.43% 67 4.05% 53 6.46% 2417 2.76%
25 166 1.25% 149 1.29% 61 0.88% 52 3.15% 36 4.39% 1279 1.46%
26 331 2.50% 277 2.39% 118 1.70% 53 3.21% 36 4.39% 2168 2.48%
27 338 2.55% 320 2.76% 158 2.28% 66 3.99% 51 6.22% 4156 4.75%
28 218 1.64% 212 1.83% 137 1.97% 62 3.75% 57 6.95% 1927 2.20%
29 289 2.18% 278 2.40% 65 0.94% 54 3.27% 43 5.24% 1918 2.19%

Hourly usage for February 2012

Hourly Statistics for February 2012
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 16 479 3.61% 12 369 3.19% 12 356 5.13% 104 3016 3.45%
1 16 492 3.71% 9 281 2.43% 14 432 6.22% 88 2551 2.92%
2 14 420 3.17% 14 411 3.55% 8 246 3.54% 136 3945 4.51%
3 16 469 3.54% 12 360 3.11% 13 384 5.53% 126 3653 4.18%
4 17 506 3.82% 13 391 3.38% 13 387 5.58% 127 3680 4.21%
5 15 448 3.38% 13 398 3.44% 11 334 4.81% 299 8671 9.92%
6 13 388 2.93% 12 374 3.23% 7 219 3.16% 125 3623 4.14%
7 13 377 2.84% 12 360 3.11% 5 168 2.42% 92 2668 3.05%
8 18 550 4.15% 18 525 4.53% 6 174 2.51% 127 3688 4.22%
9 29 851 6.42% 24 724 6.25% 11 336 4.84% 136 3953 4.52%
10 23 678 5.12% 22 656 5.66% 8 253 3.65% 121 3519 4.02%
11 14 407 3.07% 13 397 3.43% 7 203 2.93% 90 2600 2.97%
12 28 812 6.13% 20 589 5.08% 14 432 6.22% 116 3361 3.84%
13 21 612 4.62% 20 586 5.06% 6 191 2.75% 106 3076 3.52%
14 23 689 5.20% 22 655 5.65% 6 196 2.82% 107 3091 3.53%
15 18 539 4.07% 17 517 4.46% 8 233 3.36% 132 3818 4.37%
16 29 846 6.38% 16 466 4.02% 10 313 4.51% 128 3707 4.24%
17 15 441 3.33% 14 426 3.68% 8 236 3.40% 106 3074 3.51%
18 22 640 4.83% 19 578 4.99% 12 351 5.06% 127 3692 4.22%
19 23 667 5.03% 22 638 5.51% 10 311 4.48% 154 4466 5.11%
20 15 462 3.49% 15 453 3.91% 9 289 4.16% 113 3282 3.75%
21 22 641 4.84% 21 611 5.27% 12 351 5.06% 152 4422 5.06%
22 16 487 3.67% 16 475 4.10% 9 281 4.05% 118 3436 3.93%
23 12 354 2.67% 11 344 2.97% 9 264 3.80% 85 2463 2.82%

Top 26 of 64 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5484 41.37% 46988 53.73% /
2 435 3.28% 140 0.16% /robots.txt
3 300 2.26% 154 0.18% /main.css
4 112 0.84% 1776 2.03% /work.html
5 71 0.54% 7597 8.69% /webalizer/usage_201202.html
6 70 0.53% 1666 1.91% /orga.html
7 68 0.51% 1055 1.21% /book.html
8 52 0.39% 512 0.59% /prod.html
9 51 0.38% 7350 8.40% /images/pdf/book.pdf
10 34 0.26% 856 0.98% /orderformtreat.htm
11 16 0.12% 431 0.49% /images/pdf/oderform2.pdf
12 14 0.11% 1260 1.44% /images/pdf/prod.pdf
13 13 0.10% 1688 1.93% /images/pdf/
14 10 0.08% 524 0.60% /images/pdf/work.pdf
15 9 0.07% 47 0.05% /webalizer/default.html
16 8 0.06% 287 0.33% /images/pdf/orga.pdf
17 6 0.05% 3 0.00% /siteMap.txt
18 4 0.03% 1 0.00% /BingSiteAuth.xml
19 3 0.02% 1 0.00% /images/_notes/banner_r1_c4.gif.mno
20 2 0.02% 1 0.00% /images/_notes/banner_r1_c2.gif.mno
21 2 0.02% 1 0.00% /images/_notes/banner_r1_c5.gif.mno
22 2 0.02% 1 0.00% /images/_notes/image003.gif.mno
23 2 0.02% 1 0.00% /images/_notes/nav_r01_c1.gif.mno
24 1 0.01% 0 0.00% /images/_notes/banner_r1_c6.gif.mno
25 1 0.01% 0 0.00% /webalizer/usage_201112.html
26 1 0.01% 126 0.14% /webalizer/usage_201201.html

Top 10 of 64 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5484 41.37% 46988 53.73% /
2 71 0.54% 7597 8.69% /webalizer/usage_201202.html
3 51 0.38% 7350 8.40% /images/pdf/book.pdf
4 112 0.84% 1776 2.03% /work.html
5 13 0.10% 1688 1.93% /images/pdf/
6 70 0.53% 1666 1.91% /orga.html
7 14 0.11% 1260 1.44% /images/pdf/prod.pdf
8 68 0.51% 1055 1.21% /book.html
9 34 0.26% 856 0.98% /orderformtreat.htm
10 10 0.08% 524 0.60% /images/pdf/work.pdf

Top 10 of 11 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5484 41.37% 1350 82.87% /
2 112 0.84% 73 4.48% /work.html
3 71 0.54% 68 4.17% /webalizer/usage_201202.html
4 68 0.51% 44 2.70% /book.html
5 70 0.53% 39 2.39% /orga.html
6 52 0.39% 24 1.47% /prod.html
7 34 0.26% 15 0.92% /orderformtreat.htm
8 13 0.10% 9 0.55% /images/pdf/
9 9 0.07% 5 0.31% /webalizer/default.html
10 1 0.01% 1 0.06% /webalizer/usage_201112.html

Top 10 of 11 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5484 41.37% 1316 80.74% /
2 112 0.84% 83 5.09% /work.html
3 71 0.54% 69 4.23% /webalizer/usage_201202.html
4 70 0.53% 45 2.76% /orga.html
5 68 0.51% 44 2.70% /book.html
6 34 0.26% 28 1.72% /orderformtreat.htm
7 52 0.39% 26 1.60% /prod.html
8 13 0.10% 12 0.74% /images/pdf/
9 9 0.07% 5 0.31% /webalizer/default.html
10 1 0.01% 1 0.06% /webalizer/usage_201112.html

Top 30 of 820 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2279 17.19% 2279 19.67% 21876 25.01% 82 4.96%
2 1537 11.60% 1537 13.27% 13902 15.90% 14 0.85%
3 919 6.93% 0 0.00% 177 0.20% 10 0.60%
4 257 1.94% 1 0.01% 471 0.54% 1 0.06%
5 232 1.75% 232 2.00% 83 0.09% 232 14.04%
6 204 1.54% 204 1.76% 1846 2.11% 174 10.53%
7 190 1.43% 190 1.64% 491 0.56% 9 0.54%
8 175 1.32% 174 1.50% 488 0.56% 7 0.42%
9 154 1.16% 154 1.33% 1393 1.59% 17 1.03%
10 90 0.68% 73 0.63% 3430 3.92% 44 2.66%
11 66 0.50% 56 0.48% 2442 2.79% 30 1.81%
12 66 0.50% 66 0.57% 404 0.46% 11 0.67%
13 63 0.48% 60 0.52% 282 0.32% 1 0.06%
14 58 0.44% 54 0.47% 213 0.24% 2 0.12%
15 53 0.40% 10 0.09% 179 0.20% 2 0.12%
16 51 0.38% 8 0.07% 169 0.19% 1 0.06%
17 50 0.38% 50 0.43% 451 0.52% 25 1.51%
18 48 0.36% 46 0.40% 251 0.29% 1 0.06%
19 48 0.36% 42 0.36% 118 0.13% 2 0.12%
20 44 0.33% 44 0.38% 125 0.14% 1 0.06%
21 44 0.33% 44 0.38% 108 0.12% 2 0.12%
22 42 0.32% 40 0.35% 256 0.29% 1 0.06%
23 42 0.32% 41 0.35% 100 0.11% 1 0.06%
24 41 0.31% 39 0.34% 213 0.24% 1 0.06%
25 41 0.31% 33 0.28% 998 1.14% 12 0.73%
26 40 0.30% 38 0.33% 226 0.26% 1 0.06%
27 39 0.29% 39 0.34% 243 0.28% 2 0.12%
28 36 0.27% 34 0.29% 149 0.17% 1 0.06%
29 36 0.27% 33 0.28% 183 0.21% 1 0.06%
30 35 0.26% 33 0.28% 178 0.20% 1 0.06%

Top 10 of 820 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2279 17.19% 2279 19.67% 21876 25.01% 82 4.96%
2 1537 11.60% 1537 13.27% 13902 15.90% 14 0.85%
3 90 0.68% 73 0.63% 3430 3.92% 44 2.66%
4 66 0.50% 56 0.48% 2442 2.79% 30 1.81%
5 204 1.54% 204 1.76% 1846 2.11% 174 10.53%
6 154 1.16% 154 1.33% 1393 1.59% 17 1.03%
7 28 0.21% 28 0.24% 1033 1.18% 15 0.91%
8 23 0.17% 20 0.17% 1004 1.15% 10 0.60%
9 41 0.31% 33 0.28% 998 1.14% 12 0.73%
10 5 0.04% 5 0.04% 984 1.13% 0 0.00%

Top 30 of 250 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 336 2.53%
2 288 2.17%
3 287 2.17%
4 281 2.12%
5 281 2.12%
6 280 2.11%
7 277 2.09%
8 269 2.03%
9 267 2.01%
10 249 1.88%
11 234 1.77%
12 216 1.63%
13 212 1.60%
14 208 1.57%
15 204 1.54%
16 204 1.54%
17 102 0.77%
18 102 0.77%
19 102 0.77%
20 102 0.77%
21 102 0.77%
22 65 0.49%
23 49 0.37%
24 47 0.35%
25 46 0.35%
26 45 0.34%
27 43 0.32%
28 43 0.32%
29 25 0.19%
30 21 0.16%

Top 20 of 30 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 41 57.75% treat your feet
2 2 2.82% treat your feet doraville
3 1 1.41% book report on reflexology
4 1 1.41% certificated reflexology courses in malaysia
5 1 1.41% foot reflexology classes maine
6 1 1.41% health through your feet books
7 1 1.41% how to treat your feet
8 1 1.41% how to treat your own feet
9 1 1.41% maine reflexology council
10 1 1.41% myra acorn augusta maine
11 1 1.41% myra acorn reflexology
12 1 1.41% myra acorn treat your feet
13 1 1.41% pampered toes buford highway
14 1 1.41% reflexology augusata maine
15 1 1.41% reflexology augusta me
16 1 1.41% reflexology maine
17 1 1.41% reflexology requirements in maine
18 1 1.41% reflexology school augusta me
19 1 1.41% reflexology schools in malaysia
20 1 1.41% sandi rodgers reflexology

Top 15 of 403 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 3977 30.00% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1)
2 922 6.96% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322)
3 502 3.79% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/5.0)
4 408 3.08% Mozilla/5.0+(Macintosh;+Intel+Mac+OS+X+10_5_8)+AppleWebKit/534.50.2+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/5.0.6+Safari/533.22.3
5 305 2.30% Mozilla/5.0+(iPhone;+CPU+iPhone+OS+5_0_1+like+Mac+OS+X)+AppleWebKit/534.46+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/5.1+Mobile/9A405+Safari/7534.48.3
6 246 1.86% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+bingbot/2.0;++
7 215 1.62% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Googlebot/2.1;++
8 206 1.55% Mozilla/5.0 -
9 200 1.51% Mozilla/5.0+(iPad;+CPU+OS+5_0_1+like+Mac+OS+X)+AppleWebKit/534.46+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/5.1+Mobile/9A405+Safari/7534.48.3
10 162 1.22% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.77+Safari/535.7
11 141 1.06% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MJ12bot/v1.4.2;+
12 136 1.03% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+rv:9.0.1)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/9.0.1
13 133 1.00% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.0;+Trident/5.0)
14 131 0.99% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Baiduspider/2.0;++
15 126 0.95% Mozilla/5.0+(X11;+Linux+x86_64)+AppleWebKit/534.51+(KHTML,+like+Gecko;+Google+Web+Preview)+Chrome/12.0.742+Safari/534.51

Usage by Country for February 2012

Top 27 of 27 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 5274 39.79% 5120 44.20% 44171 50.51% US Commercial
2 4673 35.25% 4534 39.14% 25965 29.69% Network
3 1476 11.14% 1098 9.48% 8474 9.69% Unresolved/Unknown
4 1045 7.88% 124 1.07% 2092 2.39% Russian Federation
5 249 1.88% 204 1.76% 1806 2.06% Non-Profit Organization
6 135 1.02% 128 1.10% 499 0.57% US Government
7 104 0.78% 104 0.90% 1712 1.96% Ukraine
8 93 0.70% 90 0.78% 224 0.26% Ireland
9 40 0.30% 34 0.29% 236 0.27% United States
10 29 0.22% 27 0.23% 307 0.35% Australia
11 26 0.20% 25 0.22% 107 0.12% US Educational
12 25 0.19% 24 0.21% 286 0.33% United Kingdom
13 21 0.16% 15 0.13% 283 0.32% Czech Republic
14 21 0.16% 21 0.18% 138 0.16% Germany
15 7 0.05% 3 0.03% 594 0.68% Canada
16 6 0.05% 6 0.05% 28 0.03% British Indian Ocean Territory
17 6 0.05% 6 0.05% 28 0.03% Poland
18 5 0.04% 5 0.04% 28 0.03% Netherlands
19 5 0.04% 1 0.01% 199 0.23% South Africa
20 4 0.03% 4 0.03% 36 0.04% Israel
21 4 0.03% 4 0.03% 19 0.02% Seychelles
22 2 0.02% 2 0.02% 9 0.01% France
23 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 9 0.01% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
24 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 9 0.01% China
25 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 0 0.00% Norway
26 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 0 0.00% Sweden
27 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 197 0.23% Trinidad and Tobago

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01